Case on the promotion of the “10 steps of health” transformation workshop in social media


  1. Advertising from opinion leaders.
  2. Targeted advertising.
  3. Social networks content plan development on Facebook and Instagram.
  4. Activation mechanics (challenge).

Tasks: obtaining 600 registrations for the “10 steps of health” free workshop.

Customer information:“10 steps of health” free online workshop, which is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Target audience (TA) characteristics and portrait: women aged 24-55

Geographical location: Spain, France, Israel, Italy, Poland and Russia (Russian-speaking population only).

Interests: veganism, beauty and health, natural foods, motherhood, yoga, meditation, proper and healthy nutrition.

Psychological or psychographic (lifestyle): women who monitor their health and weight.

Economic: income level: average, above average.


  • Who has tried many diets, treatments and “magic pills”, but to no avail.
  • Who is tormented by frequent colds, headaches, insomnia, lethargy, chronic diseases.
  • Who feels despondency and lack of meaning in life.

What have we done:

  1. We have placed advertising posts with opinion leaders.
  2. We have launched targeted advertising.
  3. We have developed a content plan for social networks in Facebook and Instagram.
  4. We have implemented various activation mechanics (surveys, interactivity, sweepstakes).

For more information about the methods used, read on.

1. Advertising from opinion leaders

3 advertising posts were posted by opinion leaders.

One of the examples that showed the best result in the number of registrations.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networksEffectiveness of this advertising post:

  • 418 clicks
  • 12 achieved “thank you page”

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

This event promotion method showed the best result in the form of registrations.

But, this can be found out only after implementation and testing of various promotion methods.

Therefore, take a closer look at this advertisement, perhaps it will be the most effective for your business.

2. Targeted advertising

During the entire advertising period, 19 advertising campaigns were launched.

Let’s analyze several launches in more detail.

Launch of the 1 advertising campaign

It was launched for an audience who keeps a healthy lifestyle, are fond of yoga and meditation.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

  • Spent: RUB 10,504.
  • Number of clicks: 1,066.
  • Cost of 1 click: RUB 9.85.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

The most effective teasers:


Launch of the 2 advertising campaign

Video retargeting was launched for people who are already familiar with our workshop, but have not registered.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

  • Spent: RUB 660.
  • Number of interactions with the publication: 4,127.
  • Cost of the publication involvement: RUB 0.16.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

Launch of the 3 advertising campaign

We decided to hold a competition with a drawing of a free consultation of a nutritionist who will take part in the workshop. After that, targeting was launched with the raising of the post in order to increase the coverage of the post.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

  • Spent: RUB 218.72.
  • Number of interactions with the publication: 33.
  • Cost of the publication involvement: RUB 6.63.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

Results after the launch of advertising campaigns:

  • Advertising was conducted from 14.02 to 22.03
  • Budget spent: RUB 27,200.97.
  • Number of clicks: 2,202
  • Number of interactions with publications: 7,663
  • Registrations received – 600
  • Cost of attracting 1 visitor to the website – RUB 12.3.
  • Cost of attracting 1 registered person – RUB 45.4.

Screenshot of the entire advertising cabinet:

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

3. Social networks content plan development on Facebook and Instagram.

To launch targeting or advertise with opinion leaders without entire page management had no sense. That is why our company has compiled a content plan based on the interests of our target audience.

Posting was carried out 7 times a week, daily.

The content plan includes the following headings:

  • useful tips,
  • training,
  • surveys and topics for communication.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

4. Implementation of activation mechanics (challenge).

To attract additional activity on the Facebook page, we decided to hold a challenge “3 days without sweets”.

Activation conditions:

  • Be sure to put the hashtags #практикум_преображения, #mirzdoroviya.
  • Honestly follow the rules of the challenge and do not eat sweets. 
  • After 3 days, you can post the results and describe your feelings without sweets.

Case on the promotion of the "10 steps of health" transformation workshop in social networks

Competition results:

  • 28 publications

This competition did not bring the expected results, as the mechanics were quite complicated.

Summary of the work results

According to the work results of all channels, about 600 people turned out to attend the first workshop, as agreed with the customer.

As you can see, it is not enough to use only free promotion methods or only targeted advertising to achieve results.

If possible, it is worth using a comprehensive promotion.

And only by testing different traffic sources and different types of targeting you will be able to achieve results.

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About project
  • Date: 01.08.2018
  • Category: SMM
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